Monday, November 17, 2014

Tough day and tips!

Today was a rough day. It's only 10:40 in the morning, but wow it's been a rough day so far. I haven't been sleeping to well lately (for numerous reasons) and my back pain has been through the roof! It's been really intense lately, hard to walk with a stabbing feeling in the lower left side of my back. I haven't wanted to do my workouts at all. I woke up this morning and didn't feel like doing anything, in fact, I wished I could just take a day off, put my feet up, and do nothing! I eventually remembered I was a mom and can't do that, but it was a cute thought! And then I remembered I had to do my workout today...

Trust me, I know how hard it is to find the dedication and motivation to work out every single day, especially when you're in pain, or tired, or any other excuse under the sun. You just have to dig deep, dig way down deep and find it somewhere in your heart. It sometimes takes people a while, years sometimes, to hit that 'point' where you've had enough with the way your life is. For me, it took a few years ... My husband and I had both of our children, back to back, and it has taken me a year to find the right motivation to make a change. That motivation was I wanted to make sure I could pick up and play with my kids and I was starting to get to the point where I was having trouble picking them up. That broke my heart, so I decided to make a change.

It's also important to remember that this doesn't happen overnight. You didn't, for example, gain all the weight overnight, so you won't be able to lose it all overnight. It takes time, hard work and dedication. You have to really want it and for me not being able to pick up my kids or chase them around the house, or walk down to the park, teach them to ride a bike, etc., was my motivating factor.

So, what did I do? I got up, got dressed into my workout clothes and went out to my treadmill and turned it on! I turned it on! and I walked! I made a promise to myself that I would lose this weight and work hard to be healthier so I can enjoy my children as they get older and so my husband and I can walk along the beach when we're 60 holding holds. But it's not easy ... I wish I had less pain or better pain control or something to make it easier but then again they say, something worth having never comes easy.

Well, I think I've rambled enough today! I do want to say that I will post later about some tips to help the moms out there with little ones and working out. I know how hard it is to find the time and means to work out with little ones, but if I can find the time, so can you. So, from now on I'm going to write a weekly thread on tips to help you deal with the little ones and hopefully increase your motivation!!! So, be sure to tune in later and every Monday for tips that have helped me! Until next time, stay happy, healthy and strong!

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