Thursday, November 20, 2014

New tip for moms

So, I realized recently some fascinating things about my kids. I have always been under the impression (because this has always been what I've read in everybody book, in every blog, in every Mother help line) that if your child is too tired, he/she won't sleep any better than if they are just 'normally' tired. Now, I kind of learned this early on with my first daughter, if she was sooo tired, she wouldn't sleep as long or as well. However, I have realized recently that now that she is almost 2.5 years old that is no longer the case.

I have been having trouble with her waking up too early in the morning lately (I believed I wrote about this in my last 'tip' blog); like 4:30-5 am. And I thought I had a handle on it for a day or two, but then she reverted right back to waking up at crack of dawn. So, yesterday she only got a 45 minute nap (circumstances) and believe it or not, she slept until almost 7 am this morning. So, maybe that whole "If their too tired, they won't sleep" thing is only for the very young, because usually she naps for 2 hours during the day; however, with only a 45 minute nap she slept in until almost 7! I'd say that's a victory.

Now the truth will be in the next coming nights, or mornings, to see if she sleeps in until a normal hour in the morning even with the shorter nap time or if she reverts right back to waking up early again. So we will see.

But I wanted to bring this new little tip I discovered to light in case any of my other mother's out there were having trouble with their toddlers. Now when it comes to my 1 year old, she sleeps until 7 am regardless of how long her nap is, so for her it doesn't matter yet. But hopefully I've found the solution to this problem, so we both can get a few more good hours of sleep in the mornings.

So, I hope this tip will help, at the very least, and at the most, it will get your little one to sleep longer in the morning, which in turn will give you either more sleep, or more workout time, or more time for just about anything you want. I hope this helps, please let me know and tune back in soon for some more tips. Until next time, stay happy, healthy and strong!

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