Saturday, November 15, 2014

First week back in the saddle!

My first week back; first week back to working out, walking, lifting weights, watching what I eat, taking my weight loss supplement and generally, over-all, trying to get back to a healthier 'me'. There is so much that goes into being 'healthier', and for me it's even harder because my back makes things far more challenging.

So, this past Monday, the 10th, I started working out again and started on the weights. I'm doing a bench press (40lbs), Tri and Bi curls (10 lbs), Fly (5 lbs) and Calf Raises (10 lbs). On every other day I do cardio on the treadmill, shooting for at least 25 minutes. Everything is going okay so far, my back is hanging in there without too much added pain and my spirits are high. The pain is getting progressively worse, so I need to be careful.

I started taking my protein shakes again, right after my workouts, when your muscles need that nutrition the most to help repair themselves. Now, I also take a weight loss supplement called Hydroxycut Elite, to assist with the weight loss; hopefully it will help. I also weighted myself yesterday and I was 217.5 pounds, which is about 10 pounds lighter than when I weighted myself right before we left Sacramento. So at least on that front, I am making significant progress.  Now, my goal is to get back down to around 160 pounds. So, that's about 57 more pounds to go and then a lifetime of maintenance.

Now, I use to have to work out at night after the girls went to bed, because as any other mom's out there know, it's practically impossible to do a workout with two toddlers running around. And that was almost being set up to fail because when you get up at 5-5:30 am everyday and you are just running constantly, non-stop all day with two toddlers, by the time 8 pm rolls around, all I want to do is put my feet up, eat some dinner and take a deep breath. So finding the discipline to go work out was extremely difficult. These days, in Arizona, at least while my husband is off work, I have been able to work out during the day, while he watches the girls for an hour... so I have a little bit of a break here, but it won't last much longer and I will soon be returning to my late night workouts.

This was also about the time that I decided I wanted to write a blog about my 'life' if you will, because I realized that there is no way I am the only mother going through this and if I can find the strength and will-power to do it with a broken back, then maybe I can inspire other mothers to do it and we can all be healthier and happier with our bodies and our minds together (But that's a whole other post right there that, trust me, I will dive into).

So, I really could keep writing a novel here about everything that I go through on a daily basis just to workout, maintain my health, care for my children, etc., but I have to leave something to write about tomorrow! It's been fun and I hope you've enjoyed reading ... until next time, be healthy, happy and strong!

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