Saturday, November 15, 2014

A quick update!

I really thought by now my blog would be in full swing, talking in depth about my workouts, health, weight, back, etc.; however, with the big move across state lines, I have been so busy that not only have I failed to write about the topics promises, but I haven't even been able to keep you up-to-date ... so this is going to be a quick post updating where we are and then I will get back into the swing of actually blogging about the important topics! 

So, two weeks ago today we made the move to Arizona. It is absolutely wonderful here and we couldn't be happier; everything seems perfect. I mean the move itself was a little rough and did not go exactly as planned, but does anything really go as planned? It felt like we had one disaster after another getting down here. BUT, that's all over now and focusing on how wonderful it is down here is far more enjoyable. Other than the freakishly warm weather (which you'll come to know, I don't really like the heat - it's the only downfall to moving to the hottest state in the country) it is absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous down here. 

 We are pretty much settled into our new home ... putting away the final boxes, hanging the finishing touches, etc. The girls are settling in okay - they still are having some issues in the middle of the night, but otherwise, they seem to be doing well! And Goodwin (the Cat) is settling in well also, losing weight quickly which is good for him - those stairs are really seeming to kick everybody's butt. 

I started full swing into my workouts again this past Monday and everything has been going pretty well until this morning... which I'm not going to go into too much detail, as I will really go into this later in another post! But, it's been going okay so far, we got another bottle of the Hydroxycut Elite, which has helped with the weight loss and when I weighted myself yesterday for the first time since leaving Sacramento, I was far lighter than I thought I'd be. 

Furthermore, Bill and I have been working hard on some of our entrepreneurial endeavors ... making videos of field stripping firearms, his football YouTube channel is going well, and I'm finally finding the time to work on some of my crochet and crafting ideas/videos. 

So, now that I have given a little update for you my next post will surely dive right into my workouts, my weight, my back (and the VA), how the girls are playing a role in all of this and how successful I've been so far only four days into it. I hope you've enjoyed reading, because I've surely enjoyed writing. Until next time ... Be happy, healthy and strong!

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