Saturday, November 22, 2014

Today's workout - the toughest so far!

So today's workout was pretty rough! I have actually taken the last couple of days off from my workouts because I've been in so much extra/added pain. I don't really have an explanation for it either. Usually I can pinpoint the reason I'm in so much more pain, like I overdid it in a workout, or a trip or fall, or I didn't sleep good, I could go on and on ... but I have no legitimate reason for the increased pain today.

But, enough 'poor me' rambling - we need some inspiration. So, let's move on ... for the most part, I refuse to take too many days off and today was no exception. I had taken yesterday and the day before off so I had to do my workout today and when I weighted myself this morning, I had gained a pound back. So, obviously none of this is very good, but I have learned over the years that if I push myself too hard with my back it only makes it worse and I have to take weeks off as opposed to a day or two.

So, with that said I did go and get dressed and went out to the garage to do my workout ... but to accommodate my injury and the pain, I shortened the time that I walked, the intensity and the distance. That way I'm still doing some sort of workout, getting the blood flowing at least for a little bit and being loyal to myself that I at least did something.

Today was my cardio day and I normally walk on the treadmill for cardio - walking for 30 minutes and almost 2 miles but to accommodate the pain today, I only walked for about 15 minutes and walked a distance of .60 miles. Now obviously this is about half of what I normally do, but the old adage is true "something is better than nothing". And I definitely believe that - any exercise at all is better than doing nothing and just sitting on the sofa watching TV.

So, I really hope today's experience was helpful or inspiring and gave you the motivation to get up off the sofa and go do something - anything! Believe me, it wasn't easy, there were several times during my 15 minute workout that I just felt like breaking down and crying because it hurt so bad. But I really try not to let the pain get to me that bad ... I'm not always successful, but I try!

At the end of the day, if I can do it, so can you! I have a broken back and I can (most of the time) push through the pain enough to at least do something physically good for my body, mind and soul. So, I sure hope my story of struggle has helped you today and inspired you to get up off the sofa and go do a workout! Until next time, stay happy, healthy and strong!

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