Monday, September 29, 2014

Welcome to FergieTown!

So, I’ve wanted to write a blog for many years now, but haven’t really found a topic that I truly cared about and thought that I could touch and inspire others with, until now. Woman are miraculous, we pretty much handle everything with precision and grace … being a wife, a mom, taking care of the house, the pets, the errands, the finances, the husband, etc., and still find time to be a woman and make your health and faith a priority. It has taken me many years to find the motivation and determination it takes to actually make those topics a priority and I hope that my struggles will inspire and help other woman achieve those goals.

So, to introduce myself I will start with a little background. I am married to my wonderful husband, Bill, for almost three years now and we have two beautiful girls, Arizona or ‘Ari’ who is a little over two years old and Savannah who just turned one a week ago. I just graduated college with an AS degree is Liberal Arts with emphasis in Arts and Humanities. I served in the U.S. Air Force as a Military Police Officer for four years, leaving in 2003 with an honorable discharge and a severe back injury. Three of my five Lumbar discs are severely herniated with two pinched nerves, facet joint problems, degenerative disc disease and moderate scoliosis. I live with constant, severe pain which makes working out far more challenging and requires even more dedication; however, losing weight and being healthy helps with the pain.

My husband and I just accomplished one of our biggest dreams ever and moved across state lines from Northern California to Buckeye, Arizona. We’ve always wanted to make this move and it took us years to accomplish, but we finally did it and we LOVE it here! We couldn’t be happier and feel like this move really changed our lives for the better.  

So enough about me, onto the blog … I really hope that I can inspire and motivate other woman to live a happy and healthy lifestyle even as busy as we all are! I want my blog to focus on being healthy, working out, losing weight, strengthening the core muscles and finding the motivation to accomplish those goals. That also entails my children… because accomplishing those goals with two toddlers running around all day is quite a task! Another important aspect of my life, and one I will talk a lot about, is firearms. I love to go shooting and hunting and it’s something I’ve done most of my life; however, this also requires a healthy lifestyle!

So, I think this is a pretty solid introduction to my blog … I hope I provided a glimpse of who I am and what my goals are and hopefully I can elaborate on those goals and really inspire other woman to recognize and obtain their goals. Until next time … Live happy, healthy and strong!

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