Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Time for pampering!

Usually the VA, Veteran's Affairs, are not on their game. I have more trouble with the VA then any other aspect of my life - including my Toddlers! However, today I had an appointment with a dietician up at the Mather VA Clinic to help me attack my weight loss from one more angle and I found out some pretty good news. 

First, I was finally approved for pool therapy twice a week for eight weeks, which never happens, so I'm happy about that. I think pool therapy will be great for my back and my emotional health as I love to swim and be in the water. Anyway, I also found out from the dietician that they have Yoga classes, free to vets, twice a week! This is wonderful news because I love yoga and it's also a great weigh loss component to help me lose weight, and it's just fun! 

But the great news, which really is just fun news, is I found out they have a "Day of Pampering" for their women veterans once a year. They have makeovers (hair and makeup), massage, facials, stress management classes, yoga, healthy eating classes, employment opportunities, meditation, Tai Chi ... and they feed us breakfast and lunch while we're there and they have a huge raffle apparently! It just sounds like a lot of fun for me. With all the stress lately I think a day without the girls (as much as I love them I need a break sometimes too), filled with pampering and yoga and good soul stuff will do wonders for me and my confidence. Add that to the fact that I was approved for my pool therapy and now I have an opportunity for Yoga twice a week ... hopefully my attitude will sky rocket and my weight will plummet! 

Today has been a good day! I found out some great useful information from the dietician, got some great recipes and meal ideas, was approved for my pool therapy, found out about yoga classes and was signed up for a day of pampering... I don't usually have days that go this well. So I'm going to savor in that and head to bed. Goodnight!

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