Monday, October 6, 2014

Happy Birthday!

So today is my birthday! I'm not big on celebrating my birthday anymore these days, I think because it's just a reminder of how much older I am getting! LOL. I am just going to start counting backwards, so next year I will turn 34 again, then 33, etc. I love celebrating my kids birthdays, in fact we just celebrated my oldest daughters 2nd birthday ... She had a blast!

This is Arizona at her birthday in her Elsa princess dress from the movie Frozen! We got her a crystal crown and everything, she didn't like the crown too much and kept taking it off, but she loved the dress.

She would play with the skirt a lot that day, dancing around - it was out of this world adorable!

And this year, compared to her 1st birthday, she actually helped me blow out the candles on her cake. She wasn't sure what to do initially but after I showed her, she got it! I helped a little bit, of course.

She is growing so much it is crazy! I can't believe my little angel, my first born, is already 2 years old. It doesn't seem real that she's been here that long, in my life ... I can't imagine life without her now!

Anyway, back to my birthday (uugghhh), I believe my mom and stepdad, Marshall, are coming up to take me and the girls out to dinner! Bill can't go because he has to work and couldn't get the day off. So that will be nice. I feel like I am repeating a lot of thoughts in this blog or rambling even and I apologize for that!

I will post a few more pictures from dinner maybe, if we take any, so we'll see! Thanks for listening and I'll be back soon to update!